Practicum/Industrial Attachment training is an important component of academic training and is a mandatory unit undertaken by every technology student so as to supplement classroom learning and instruction by providing professional development and instilling in the student the right work attitude and professionalism, so they can become effective and productive to organizations.

You are expected to display desirable attitude, good work habits, initiative, proper decorum developed through the training. You are required to keep a daily record of activities/tasks as per the format provided and to be presented at the end of the practicum/attachment exercise.  

To surmise, this opportunity for practicum/attachment training affords you a singular opportunity to put to practice the skills and knowledge acquired in class, therefore - interact and learn from the industry!

This module covers the principles of electronic maintenance of equipment and computers in general. Best practices on how to go about resolving simple problems. Emphasis on how to prepare for electronic maintenance activities by obtaining necessary information, documentation, tools and equipment required; and how to carry out required maintenance activities and sequence of operations intended. 

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Personal Autocare a course offered at the Department of Technology, Automotive section to equip students with knowledge and basic maintenance skills to be utilized by vehicles owners, Emphasis will be placed on vehicle safety, vehicle systems/subsystems, the components of the vehicle systems, and issues arising from each of the systems
