This course exposes students to the concepts, games and activities that enhance physical fitness through a series of organized physical activities. It includes the following recreation and physical activities: soccer, soft ball, basket ball, valley ball, netball, lawn tennis, hockey and handball activities, rotation and circles, body stretching and balance, shoulder blades, trunk rolls, body plows, elbow thrusts, knee bends and circles, ordinary jumping jacks, knee-tap rhythms, stand-up balances, frog-jump moves, Masai jumps, complex jumping jacks, 4-count burps, step-kick and squat, squat-thrust and stretch, push-ups, crab-stretch movement, alternate knee to chest, double knee to chest, sit and reach, crab stretch, platter kicks, v-balance, knee flexion, sit-ups, leg-over, cycle kicks, arm circles, knee rotations and deep breath.